Common Terry
Common Terry
  • 65
  • 67 108
Beneath the Campus Protests of Today
Young people are waking up, just as we did in the 60s, to the fact that our government has been lying to them for many decades. Next will come violence, mark my words. They are striking out against the Zionist state known as Israel and their treatment of the indigenous people, also known as Palestinians.
Переглядів: 17


Joe Biden's Problem with the Press
Переглядів 1314 днів тому
Our President has gone on rants in the last few days about how disappointed he is in the press. It seems he can't get his message (a.k.a. Propaganda) through to people, claiming that his "good" actions get buried under horserace coverage.
Deconstructing Rape and the Role of Men
Переглядів 6614 днів тому
I view this discussion as absolutely necessary in our culture today, because men have NO VOICE in such discussions. Men are not permitted a voice, because we've determined that only the victims' views are considered. I left out how Islam views this topic, so I'll save that for another day.
Self Rejection Let Yourself Be
Переглядів 12621 день тому
How I've learned to stop rejecting myself before others had the chance to shame me. It's a lesson from the Donovan song "Happiness Runs".
Google, Advertisers and the Ammunition Business
Переглядів 4121 день тому
In the early days of the Web, advertising guru Gordon Borrell told his clients that "The deer now have guns. What do you do when the deer have guns? Get into the ammunition business." Google and UA-cam function as the ammunition business for personal media.
Destroying the Earth on Earth Day
Переглядів 1021 день тому
As we "celebrate" the beauty of our planet, let's do so with truth in our heads. We're celebrating nothing, because the truth is we're trying to kill this planet in the quest for the rich to get richer. Plastic, for example, is now public enemy number one, but we seem helpless to do anything about it.
The Futility of Dunning Notices in a Postmodern World
Переглядів 12121 день тому
Debt collection is an archaic method that creditors use to collect debts owed to them. It's purely top-down tool of the Management Culture to profit from often unfortunate circumstances. It has no place in our increasingly postmodern world.
Where's The Department of Mercy?
Переглядів 421 день тому
We have a Justice Department, but why don't we have a Mercy Department? Is this not in our character as humans? Why are the merciful given second-class citizenship? So many questions for the deconstructionist.
Why Southern White Men Vote Republican
Переглядів 15728 днів тому
The last acceptable form of discrimination can be found in the language of liberals, especially those from the New England area, in speaking of rural white Southerners. These people vote conservative for very specific reasons related entirely to their ability to feed, clothe, and shelter their families.
The Problem With Lawyers
Переглядів 30Місяць тому
Lawyers in the legislative branches of our government serve as the greatest conflict of interest in our culture today. We should not allow them to make the laws that they then exploit for their own gain.
We're ALL Just A URL
Переглядів 8Місяць тому
We are all headed to a time and place where identity will be based on a URL or many URLs. It's inevitable as we turn to computers to manage our lives, for the language of computers is a database, so our identities will be tied up in data.
My Childhood Trauma Responses
Переглядів 15Місяць тому
Discovering early responses to my espisode of CSA helped me greatly in recovery. Most trauma responses refer to behaviors as adults, but opening the door to trauma responses as a child brings a entirely new view into perspective.
Sexual Harassment Deconstructed
Переглядів 23Місяць тому
How men are triggered in responding to our culture's current obsession with sexual harassment. This may not win me any friends, but that's not a concern of my in this series of videos.
Deconstruction The Tool of the Postmodern Era
Переглядів 40Місяць тому
Breaking issues or forms of art into small pieces helps us understand how they all began, which is very often an idea. Whether those ideas turn into public policy or just propaganda, it's a highly useful tool in the age of The Great Horizontal.
Limerence The Original Addiction
Переглядів 32Місяць тому
This word is a contemporary (birthed in 1973) word that is often trivialized in our media as a form of distorted love. It is an unrecognized obsessive compulsive disorder in our attempts to find an impossbile loving relationship. It's perfectionism gone to seed. It drives many women and men into depression, because its demands can never be fulfilled.
Do We Really Have Choices?
Переглядів 58Місяць тому
Do We Really Have Choices?
Law & Order SVU's Aging Conundrum
Переглядів 104Місяць тому
Law & Order SVU's Aging Conundrum
Remote Control and Caller ID
Переглядів 13Місяць тому
Remote Control and Caller ID
Right Brain, Left Brain Which Are You?
Переглядів 15Місяць тому
Right Brain, Left Brain Which Are You?
Welcome Back
Переглядів 37Місяць тому
Welcome Back
Bad Behaviors of Sex Addicts
Переглядів 44Місяць тому
Bad Behaviors of Sex Addicts
Personal Trauma Responses
Переглядів 32Місяць тому
Personal Trauma Responses
Child Sexual Abuse, My Story
Переглядів 167Місяць тому
Child Sexual Abuse, My Story
Victimhood and Self pity
Переглядів 21Місяць тому
Victimhood and Self pity
Netflix's 3 Body Problem
Переглядів 39Місяць тому
Netflix's 3 Body Problem
Life on Life's Terms not our own terms
Переглядів 149Місяць тому
Life on Life's Terms not our own terms
Credentials, the Backbone of the Management Culture
Переглядів 7Місяць тому
Credentials, the Backbone of the Management Culture
Fox News is Lying To You
Переглядів 115Місяць тому
Fox News is Lying To You
Intro Video 2
Переглядів 56Місяць тому
Intro Video 2
I Love Reddit I hate Reddit
Переглядів 63Місяць тому
I Love Reddit I hate Reddit


  • @querba8012
    @querba8012 День тому

    Another informative talk!

  • @lindakaiser9042
    @lindakaiser9042 23 дні тому


  • @lindakaiser9042
    @lindakaiser9042 23 дні тому


  • @alfonsoamador958
    @alfonsoamador958 25 днів тому

    This was a waist of time

  • @rigamortice
    @rigamortice 26 днів тому

    in my long life I've never met an honest solicitor yet

    • @JohnBeerschoten
      @JohnBeerschoten 26 днів тому

      A lawyer is not a scientist. A scientist needs to stick to the fact and have evidence. A lawyer is free to lie and use imagination and make up things just to defend one side of a case. By defenition a lawyer is biased and untrustworthy. I despise the lawyers who do not consider themselves bound by the truth. The truth as defined by the lawyer Mahatma Gandhi as being an accurate description of reality.

  • @JohnBeerschoten
    @JohnBeerschoten 28 днів тому

    It's not about you, it's about your analysis. And I know from experience that your analysis is completely correct. As from Roman Law, I know that the Roman emperors were also aware of that.

  • @quatreraberbawinner2628
    @quatreraberbawinner2628 Місяць тому

    People will always try to excuse their failures and justify their successes, actions must have consequences, withour judgement

    • @CommonTerry2024
      @CommonTerry2024 Місяць тому

      Well, but that all depends on your world view. From a management perspective, you are correct, but I believe this is deeper than that. Our culture cannot measure that which is not known, so it is limited in its findings. This is my response ANY time I hear the words "excuse" or "justify". What about the consequences that are NOT measurable? The view you express IS judgmental, for no law exists without an underlying belief system. This is where our culture misses it. Thank you so much for your perspective.

  • @ivovonunruh5949
    @ivovonunruh5949 Місяць тому

    Interisting opinions would you say Trauma victims are the only one that dont have choices?

    • @CommonTerry2024
      @CommonTerry2024 Місяць тому

      Thanks for your note. No, I wouldn't, because we're all just garden-variety human beings. All of this can be found by deconstructing culture. It's the rules of our dying top-down culture that are absurdly self-centered for those who make the rules, and there are many ways, I assume, that the rest of us lose the ability to make choices. My hope is that the great horizontal will give us vastly more choices..

  • @1Gr8Editrix
    @1Gr8Editrix Місяць тому

    As a victim of trauma I relate to everything you say.

    • @CommonTerry2024
      @CommonTerry2024 Місяць тому

      Thank you and best wishes to you. I see you.

  • @freeblom
    @freeblom Місяць тому

    Publish it online my friend!

  • @RuneSwagga
    @RuneSwagga Місяць тому

    great video, keep it up.

  • @bite-sizedshorts9635
    @bite-sizedshorts9635 Місяць тому

    So you ignore the raft of lies by all the mainstream news outlets, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS? They are the ones that lied repeatedly about the virus scare starting in 2020. Almost everything they told us has been refuted. They are also the ones who edited Trump's speech on January 6 to omit his main point, which was for everyone to obey the police and stay peaceful. They also refused to show the surveillance video which showed the police opening the door for peaceful protesters and pointing out which way for them to go. They characterized the whole thing as an insurrection, when no one was armed. Puzzling. On top of that, all their news stories are in favor of Democrats, no matter what. They show a bumbling incoherent Biden and claim he's as sharp as a tack. They show a reporter standing in front of buildings being burned by BLM and Antifa and say that it's a "mostly peaceful" protest. Fox, at least on Gutfeld's shows, are telling the real truth most of the time. So you are full of brown stuff. I bet you're going to vote for the incoherent bumbler, higher prices, and higher chances for world war, rather than the man who gave us four years of lower gas prices, energy independence, and zero chance of any war at all. You should be ashamed, especially if you actually believe you're right.

  • @pressendforspanish
    @pressendforspanish Місяць тому

    You've got to be kidding? They all do it. Always have and always will. By you taking a side includes you in this propaganda farce. You are saying nothing and observant, intelligent person doesn't already know.

  • @duaneulman9915
    @duaneulman9915 Місяць тому

    Thank you 😊

  • @richardleigh4003
    @richardleigh4003 Місяць тому

    It's not dos and don'ts that separate the physical mind from the spiritual one. The spiritual mind can comprehend on a level thousands of times higher the physical. It's perceptions are also a thousand times better. This comprehension and perception mean that spiritual actions are tending towards perfect results, if we are talking Heaven, and the opposite if about Hell. Minds (call them spirits or souls) are isolated in Hell. They can comprehend on a personal level that they are confined, they can perceive the fiery landscape around them, and that is it. The degree to which people of Heaven are cooperating is the degree to which people of Hell are separating. If you combine some sort of good action with your faith in God then you are on your way to Heaven. I think that is what you are saying and I believe it 100% myself. Jesus is the only way because he is The Divine Man, the part of God that is human. He was present before the beginning of everything and, during creation, everything was made through him. If humanity were better then he would not need to sacrifice himself for us, but doing so was certainly the greatest event in history, an event that opened the doors to Heaven for all, as well as keeping hellfire away from us..

  • @Hemmofilms
    @Hemmofilms Місяць тому

    Have a grrreat day Terry :)

  • @querba8012
    @querba8012 Місяць тому

    Interesting points! I always thought of Reddit as a place where people from all places could offer their own advice so it was really helpful to me in learning different skills and discovering different cultures. The nature of the forum format was so that all voices could be found... But then, I believe Reddit was flawed from the beginning, subreddits and the voting system easily leads to an echo chamber effect. Nonetheless it was very useful if you knew how to use it, sad to see it follow the pattern that all major social media seem to be taking.

  • @zimmee
    @zimmee Місяць тому

    I love this. Donovan always has something valid to say. My only annoyance here was with the camera person falling asleep. 🤗🎼

  • @ryuuzukiai2033
    @ryuuzukiai2033 Місяць тому

    Thank you may god bless you Sir 🙏🤲

  • @HaJassar
    @HaJassar Місяць тому

    well said Terry. Just to add: zionism was born in the 1800s way before Belfor's declaration. Belfor only made it official and public to the world.

  • @HaJassar
    @HaJassar Місяць тому

    I think ignorance in religion is the reason why masses are controlled like sheep.

  • @dmacruntrac100
    @dmacruntrac100 Місяць тому

    While I appreciated the insight into the mindset of the ‘movement’, I’m confused at why Christian nationalism is a bad thing. Being a true , born again Christian is good and I see nothing wrong with one loving his nation. So apparently there has been a negative spin put on something that’s positive. And I’m not talking about extremist nationalist who would do harm to their fellow citizens in the name of ‘loving their country’. Because if you truly love your country you would keep it’s laws (as long as those laws are not in opposition of GOD’s laws.

    • @CommonTerry2024
      @CommonTerry2024 Місяць тому

      All religion is a construct of man. It is, therefore, based in our lives under the sun and is as far from "true" spirituality as it could possibly be. There is nothing, therefore, "good" about it in the advancement and development of human beings. It is self-centered, and likewise, unspiritual. We give, because we like the way the pat-on-the-back makes us "feel", and that, my friend, is a self-centered motive. We are spiritual beings on our human journey, not human beings on any spiritual quest. You cannot, for example, pray your way into right standing with Life. Christianity is a man-made institution (see Council of Nice) and cannot be trusted as a pathway to God. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and that's fine - for you. You will likely be very surprised when you discover that Heaven has nothing to do with the afterlife, because what comes after is the same as what you have under the sun. Spirituality is much more about letting go than DOING anything. Religion manipulates its followers, and that's why it's so dangerous.

  • @miguelcastillo-cedano8386
    @miguelcastillo-cedano8386 Місяць тому

    Hey sir, I love your content! I became a Cristian about four years ago now, I spent a lot of time studying theology in college which is the stage of life I’m at. I put my faith in Jesus and my life changed, I was freed from all that kept me in darkness and chains. My faith in Jesus changed my life for the better and yes it’s easy to say that I was the one that did that. But the supernatural things that occurred where to too perfect timed for me to take any credit for it. Putting your faith in Jesus can absolutely change your life for the better even if you feel you’re life is already good. It might to be easy being a Cristian but it is worth it. I encourage you to give Christianity a chance and follow the Bible. It might be the best decision you ever make I know it definitely was mine :) much love sir and I hope you have a great day!

    • @CommonTerry2024
      @CommonTerry2024 Місяць тому

      Please don't ever give up on your study. There is SO much more to Life than we're ever taught in catechism.

    • @miguelcastillo-cedano8386
      @miguelcastillo-cedano8386 Місяць тому

      @@CommonTerry2024 I will definitely not give up my study, I’m a junior in college now set to graduate next year God willing:) and yes there is a lot about life I still have to learn, but to me living a life without Jesus in the center of it would feel empty. It goes back to the verse, “why would it benefit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul.” I feel like the more I learn about the intricacies of the world and how it’s designed it just leaves me with the conclusion that there has to be an intelligent mind behind it.

  • @LicensetoIL
    @LicensetoIL 2 місяці тому

    Interesting video, haven't really thought of the parallels to the invention of the printing press. "Why We're Facing another 30 Years War" in the reccomended videos... the rabbit hole deepens. Thanks Terry!

    • @CommonTerry2024
      @CommonTerry2024 Місяць тому

      Thanks for your note. What I see coming is revolutionary, and it's going to take place over the next Century. There is simply NO WAY for the status quo to remain at the top of our society. Our ability to connect horizontally (like we're doing right now) is brand new, and it will overcome many of the difficulties we face with a top-down culture.

  • @anujbangotra1295
    @anujbangotra1295 2 місяці тому

    Keep it up mam 💪🏆

  • @sproutyleela7767
    @sproutyleela7767 2 місяці тому

    Sing guys, c'mon

    • @CommonTerry2024
      @CommonTerry2024 Місяць тому

      LOL, I do have a couple of my old tunes on here. Hey, they're a part of who I am. Thanks.

  • @billjones8503
    @billjones8503 3 місяці тому

    Ah! Seen Donovan in 77 backing Yes. A full band doing most of his 60's hits! Last song he does on here too. Wonderful! Outstanding! Whole arena-bout 10'00- going crazy with admiration! People demanded he come back for an encore. He did, & done Atlantis! & a couple of others. I said to my friend, "Whoa. Yes might be getting jealous! Seriously, he was that good & people loved him so much!

  • @angelaheldman
    @angelaheldman 4 місяці тому

    Were you “thinking for yourself” 20 years ago when you lured a young friend to the US? Was that part of a biblical world view?

    • @CommonTerry2024
      @CommonTerry2024 Місяць тому

      Please enlighten me. I could be quite the asshole long ago, and I'm always wishing to make amends.

  • @jamesdemestihas9904
    @jamesdemestihas9904 5 місяців тому

    I wish there were footage of this tour with a band! I was there at Oakland Calif show....was amazing

  • @djtdub1
    @djtdub1 6 місяців тому

    Sunny South Kensington documentary video

  • @caroleyre9144
    @caroleyre9144 6 місяців тому

    I’m just mad about ma Saffron…our Saffron is 21 now and yes she’s beautiful thanks Don for everything so Wise even when young 💙🦢💙

  • @chaoscultus
    @chaoscultus 7 місяців тому

    Thank you Terry! I dig this!

  • @
    @ 7 місяців тому

    Thanks for uploading this, very enjoyable..

  • @jameskennedy721
    @jameskennedy721 8 місяців тому

    He opened for YES in 1977 . The audience went ape .

  • @Msfifisquarepantz
    @Msfifisquarepantz 10 місяців тому

    That “14 year old girls “ lyric was an unfortunate choice…

  • @dskywalker3397
    @dskywalker3397 10 місяців тому

    Incredible Video!

  • @ovtjarka2
    @ovtjarka2 11 місяців тому


  • @marklandgraf1630
    @marklandgraf1630 Рік тому

    I think I see CARTOONIST Denis Kitchen in the audience at 13:18.

  • @yes_head
    @yes_head Рік тому

    Great video quality. Him playing to a party like this is almost a nod to the 1966 "A Boy Called Donovan" film. This was while he was on tour with Yes. Not his preferred bag, obviously. But he clearly saw the upside, especially since most people who knew his name probably didn't know he was still around. I haven't seen it said, but I have a feeling Donovan was a huge influence on Jon Anderson. Both lads from the north, and Donovan was given to abstract word play in lieu of concrete story-telling. I would also be curious to have heard what Donovan thought about Scottish songwriters of the 70's like Gerry Rafferty.

  • @Getbackjojo
    @Getbackjojo Рік тому

    Thank you!

  • @marqy007
    @marqy007 Рік тому

    Tony was my hero in the mid 70s and still is to this day!!

  • @integralsun
    @integralsun Рік тому

    This guy is just so laid back and mellow.

  • @golden.lights.twinkle2329

    I think this is the best Donovan interview I have ever seen (and I've seen them all). The interviewer is low-key and just great.

  • @cooper7031
    @cooper7031 Рік тому

    Add Kurt Cobain to the list 17 yrs after this vid which includes Janis Joplin, etc!

  • @joycethurmond4812
    @joycethurmond4812 Рік тому

    Don't get any better

  • @nolansteele3882
    @nolansteele3882 Рік тому

    So B E A U T I F U L

  • @GeneGruber
    @GeneGruber Рік тому

    Tony plays with such drive and sometimes , reckless abandon which is really cool ! ! The energy is contagious . Love you too Dede !

  • @williamneillgross3926
    @williamneillgross3926 2 роки тому

    Concerning the song at 9:56 Donavon has played music with Brian Jone's grandson. I think it is interesting that he has kept a connection to Brian Jones even up to this day.

  • @goldpop5001
    @goldpop5001 2 роки тому

    I was there at the 1980[plus many many other years] festival. The festival grounds sure has undergone lots of changes since then!

  • @dannydine5263
    @dannydine5263 2 роки тому

    Thanks for recording this. The footage is so clear. I try to teach some of my students how to chop and staccato chords on the guitar like Donovan but it's hard. Not easy to do. A couple of my students did get it though. I've known really good lead guitarists that couldn't do it very well. I love Donovan's voice and writing as well.